July 7, 2021
Media contact: Lydia Saldaña
Gear Up for Game Wardens Hits $2 Million Milestone
Recent Beaumont Benefit Raises More than $100,000
Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation’s Gear Up for Game Wardens program has reached a $2 million fundraising milestone, thanks to a recent fundraiser in Beaumont that brought in more than $100,000.
Through private donations, Gear Up for Game Wardens provides specialty equipment Texas Game Wardens need to maintain safety and ensure the highest level of service for the people of Texas. While the state provides the basic necessities for game wardens to do their jobs, there is still a critical need for additional specialized equipment.
“I’ve been amazed at the generosity and the compassion of our donors,” said Randy Risher, who is chair of the Gear Up for Game Wardens Leadership Council, and also serves as a trustee on the Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation’s board of directors. “The recent Beaumont fundraiser coordinated by the Saltwater Anglers League of Texas and Courville’s Catering & Events exemplifies the spirit of giving to Texas Game Wardens who stand ready to serve the people of Texas every single day.”
Since the program launched in October 2017, more than 1,300 donations have been made, for a total of just over $2 million raised. Specialty gear has been purchased and deployed across all eight game warden regions in Texas and the statewide Special Operations Unit. This new equipment provided by the program, and now being used by Texas Game Wardens, includes search and rescue (SAR) drones, SAR inflatable boats, side-scan sonar units, water rescue dry suits, night vision and thermal imaging units, ATVs, UTVs and specialized K-9 units.
The program launched in October 2017 after a group of dedicated individuals, including Risher, approached Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation (TPWF) with an idea of how they might support the efforts of Texas Game Wardens. TPWF is the official nonprofit partner of Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD). Discussions continued, a leadership committee was formed and a website,, was launched to facilitate donations. Regional citizen committees fuel the effort, and fundraisers have been held across the state to support the effort.
In late May, Saltwater Anglers League of Texas and Courville’s Catering and Events staged the third annual fundraiser to benefit Gear Up for Game Wardens. The event raised more than $100,000 through donations and unique auction items, and the funds will be used to purchase specialty equipment for game wardens in the Beaumont area, including a thermal drone and flight accessories. The funds were presented to Texas Game Wardens at the most recent S.A.L.T. board meeting on July 6.

“I first heard about Gear Up for Game Wardens when one of our local game wardens couldn’t access a plane crash to make a rescue because they didn’t have the right piece of equipment to get to it,” said Rich Courville. “Luckily someone came by with a Polaris, and the game wardens were able to make the rescue. I wondered why the game wardens didn’t have that piece of equipment, and when I found out about Gear Up for Game Wardens, I wanted to help.”
The Saltwater Anglers League of Texas (S.A.L.T) is the oldest saltwater fishing club in Texas, and since 1968 has been supporting a variety of causes, including getting more children involved in the outdoors. Supporting Gear Up for Game Wardens was an easy ask.
“We’re a conservation club, and Texas Game Wardens protect the resources we love,” said S.A.L.T. Board Treasurer Roger Bertrand. “If we can help them do their jobs better, then it helps our organization and everyone who loves to fish in the coastal waters of Texas.”
Donations have come from all corners of the state and in all amounts, from $5 to more than $70,000. Since 2019, S.A.L.T. has donated more than $230,000 to Gear Up for Game Wardens and anticipates doing another fundraiser next year. The Sabine River Authority has also stepped up in appreciation of what Texas Game Wardens do for the people of Texas and has donated $120,000 to the program. In addition, co-chairs of the leadership council have staged fundraisers all over the state to fund equipment for game wardens in their local regions.
“The local committees are what make the program successful, and 100 percent of every donation received for equipment goes directly to purchase the specialty gear that our Texas Game Wardens need,” said Gear Up for Game Wardens Program Manager Austin Taylor. “It is amazing to be able to take the donations that we receive and quickly purchase equipment that is distributed across the state. Knowing that our Texas Game Wardens have the tools they need to make their jobs more efficient and safer is all that matters.”
Texas Game Wardens have watched over the lands, waters, wildlife and people of Texas for more than 100 years. Every year, Texas Game Wardens patrol over 10 million miles by vehicle and 130,000 hours by boat, facing challenges as unique as the 254 counties they serve. To find out more about the program, or to make a donation, go to
“The support we have received through Gear Up for Game Wardens is incredible,” said Col. Chad Jones, who heads the Law Enforcement Division at TPWD. “We are so grateful knowing that the people of Texas appreciate what our game wardens do every single day.”
Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation raises private funds to advance Texas’ proud outdoor traditions and conserve our state’s wildlife, habitat, recreational areas, and natural resources. Since 1991, Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation has invested more than $215 million in efforts to ensure that all Texans, today and in the future, can enjoy the wild things and wild places of Texas.